
Location: Kansas City, KS

Thursday, March 17, 2005

New toys (again)

I can attribute the lack of updates recently to numerous factors, the topmost being the receipt of my new tablet pc. In short, it is the coolest thing ever. If apple made one of these things I'd be all over it. I have the HP TC1100 (http://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/tabletpc/tc1100/) and it is glorious.

Still waiting for the car, looks like we'll have it back by the end of the month. Just in time for the baby shower on April second (I hope) . We still don't know anything about the car owner's insurance. Doesn't look like he had any so it'll probably end up costing us a bit. Bleh. We've been cruising around in the trusty Camry since then, and since I walk to work everyday (unless KT takes me) we haven't really felt too many ill effects aside from the pending monetary ones.

Nicholas has proven to be a madman, kicking and punching like crazy. Poor KT is sore and tired from his consistent pummelings and nightly internal beatings. Her bladder is definitely feeling the effects of pregnancy as well. I can't wait till he's here though, I have a nice list of toys building up for me... I mean Nick to play with.

And Ray, you should definitely come by on tour. We can put a few bandmates up in our guest room, just remember that everyone has to take turns changing diapers...