
Location: Kansas City, KS

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Updates on Child

KT says that I should post more about Nick's development, so here goes...

Nick can now crawl and sit, and go back and forth from crawling to sitting. He can pull him self up on anything, anytime, anywhere. He has six teeth showing, with three more ready to burst forth. He weighs a bajillion pounds. He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, but oddly, cannot yet speak English.

I've recently started running. Running stinks though, so I'm joining a gym. I am able to exercise on an elliptical trainer for five consecutive minutes. Any more and I will vomit.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


I started running/jogging/walking this week on account of my increasing out of shapeness and expanding self. I am really, really out of shape. Hopefully it won't take too long for the excercise to become easier...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Long Weekend

Enjoying a nice long weekend with the family, not too much going on otherwise. We're selling Erin's Powerbook on Ebay. Know anyone who wants one?

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Back Home

We got back Sunday after a nice trip to Phoenix to visit friends and family. Nick was sick some of the trip, I was too, but we pulled it together to have a nice Christmas and New Year. Nick scored lots of toys and clothes, we came back with some nice stuff too, like a 12" Powerbook. KT digs it.

Nick popped another tooth through Tuesday night, he wasn't happy about it though, and by "popped" I mean KT pushed it through after hours of angry flailing and screaming. We didn't sleep so well that night, but he slept all night last night so hopefully we can get back to baby normalcy sometime.

New pictures are up at karrmedia.com, and Erin took some great ones that we need to scan and put up as well.

That's it for me... How was your holiday?