
Location: Kansas City, KS

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

We're In!

A longish time since my last post on account of moving in and fixing stuff. We have lots of work to do on the house yet and a good percentage of our belongings are in boxes all over the place. Our first night was very cold as the thermostat was broken and the doors and windows are very drafty. Bob came over Sunday and helped install a new thermostat and covered up the windows for us so our subsequent evenings have been... warmer. It's been pretty cold in KC. Tonight I'll hook up the dryer I found in the garage. It seems to work, so there's one less thing to buy!

Just a short update as moving and work have converged to make the perfect blog-blocking storm.

Friday, January 07, 2005

It's a boy!

It's a boy! That's what the ultrasound tech thinks, anyway. It sure looked like it to me. His name is Nicholas Timothy Karr, and he appears to be 1 pound, 3 ounces. I put some videos of the ultrasound up at http://www.karrmedia.com for you all to look at. Click on the "personal" link to see them.

After we visited the midwives I went to the house and put on the first coat of polyurethane on the top floor. Getting closer! There are some pictures of the house at my website too.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Getting There

Work was cancelled yesterday due to the ice storm so Bob and I rented a big floor sander and an edger and attacked the top floor yesterday. It looks pretty good now, just needs some touching up before I put on the polyurethane. This stuff really is taking far longer than I expected. As well, the weather is keeping the termite sprayers away, which in turn delays when we can move in due to toxicity of the chemicals.

I'll head over tonight and finish up the sanding. If I'm lucky I'll even get a coat of poly down. It all takes about twice as long as I think it will though.

In other news, Katie will have her ultrasound tomorrow. We'll find out the baby's sex and if there are ten of them in there and the like. I'm glad I've got housework to distract me, or else I'd be pretty fixated on this event! Really, I can't wait for tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Hey, KT and I are now homeowners!

Being a homeowner has been rather difficult thus far. At Bob's urging we decided to refinish the hardwood floors. We have one more coat of polyurethane to put on the main level and then must proceed to continue heavy sanding of the top level due to poor staining techniques by owners past. By we I mean Bob, Karsen and I as KT can have nothing to do with polyurethane.

I'm also replacing a wall that was in poor shape and perhaps will do a bit of painting here and there. We hope to move in this weekend, though that will depend on how soon I finish the upstairs room. So far, homeownership has left me a little tired and with a sore back.